Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sept. 4, 2011

So the temp. has cooled off enough to get outside so I can take some pictures of some new things and get more pictures of some other things.  I have been making some new things but getting the pictures is not always easy.  Inside they just don't turn out the way I want them so and it has been so hot that going out hasn't been a good option.  But now I can post my new pictures and show everyone the new things that I for them to purchase.

Starting back at the preschool this week for the last yr. Have a pre-k that I will be homeschooling in Kindergatern starting in Oct.  Plus my business so life is going to be very busy starting very soon.  I am looking forward to all the new things in my life and can't wait to get started with them.  I am going to try and figure out how to put pictures on my blog so we will see if I can do it. 

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